Sunday, May 30, 2010
why don't you love me?
You better sit down and look around
Cause you must've bumped yo' head
And I love you enough to talk some sense back into you, baby
I'd hate to see you come home, me the kids
And the dog is gone
Check my credentials...
I give you everything you want everything you need
Even your friends say I'm a good woman
All I need to know is why?
Why don't you love me?
Tell me, baby, why don't you love me
When I make me so damn easy to love?
And why don't you need me?
Tell me, baby, why don't you need me
When I make me so damn easy to need?
I got beauty, I got class
I got style, and I got ass
And you don't even care to care
Looka here
I even put money in the bank account
Don't have to ask no one to help me out
You don't even notice that
Why don't you love me?
Tell me, baby, why don't you love me
When I make me so damn easy to love?
Why don't you need me?
Tell me, baby, why don't you need me
When I make me so damn easy to need?
I got beauty, I got heart
Keep my head in them books, I'm sharp
But you don't care to know I'm smart
Now, now now now now now now
I got moves in your bedroom
Keep you happy with the nasty things I do
But you don't seem to be in tune
Why don't you love me?
Tell me, baby, why don't you love me
When I make me so damn easy to love?
Why don't you need me?
Tell me, baby, why don't you need me
When I make me so damn easy to need?
There's nothing not to love about me
No, no, there's nothing not to love about me
I'm lovely
There's nothing not to need about me
No, no, there's nothing not to need about me
Maybe you're just not the one
Or maybe you're just plain... DUMB
mcm bodo x broke up sejam je? ingat artis ape? tp experience broke up ngn man mmg buat life ak miserable glr ok. baru terase~ wah mmg ssh nk senyum tanpa die. adala bbrp org yg duk usha ak, kwn ak napi takde la, dier mmg niat nk care sal ak which is GUD. thx dude. 2 taun frenship kite, ternyata u mmg bbeza dr laki laen. thx tau. thx for the support. it motivates me to improve my relationship with rahman. while d other guys? stop flirting. ex ak, stop adding me up. x pyh nk happy sgt, ktorg broke up sat je. haih. mcm keling kan? tp xpe. ktorg je tau.
ske ayat ni,
- "orait, i tarik balik, kite pasangan skg..malam kang saver bncg btol2. tau? love u syg"
- "i kat air terjun nie, sdh2 kat air terjun
- ".... lps 1, 1 perangai u ulang2. sampai pelakon tu pown u nk bising? er..main serang lg, emo2 lg. dah, blk s.alam pat. dpt result, trus balik.."
- "tkr status u dgn selambe pat, U gf i tau. tkr2.."
hopefully pasni ak ngn man lebih hapy dpd hubungan dulu. ceh pdhl baru sejam broke up. bile nak balik ni..tlgla mase cpt sket. x sbr nk balik kl plish. x sbr nk dpt kete baru ^_^ thx dady.
couple ngn man buat ak realized byk bnde.. ak mmg obsess everything sal dier. mmg awful bile tpkse nanges pujuk dier.. otak sama2 saket..saket yg teramat sgt. msh trase kot blkg pale ak bdenyut2. mcm2 msg msok ak xlyn. hebat kn? ak pon x sgke ak bkn flirty mcm kwn2 ak sangka. bukanla. sape ckp ak ske2 tukar status n ske + peminat. satu teori yg sgt bodoh d ctu ea. well aja, ak maafkn ko considering yg ko xpnh mrase idop bkapel. ahahaha. siap ade yg call, tebaek idop ak ni. haha. arini sgtla happy, bkn je dpt baiki hubungan ngn man, mood bos kt umah ni pon dah sejuk mcm ice. siap msk fav ak lg. hihi shukeee ny :))
everything dlm life is a karma. ade ups n down. each of us should face it. we juz cant avoid any circumstances. it wonderful to noe he still love me. LOVE ME! talking about appreciation, no doubt ak mmg sntiase tunjuk kt die. well, hopefully die pun same. EMO? part of my life. ak pun x jumpe jln nk settle prob ni. syg if u leave me now, u take the biggest part of me.. baby plz dun go. i juz want u to stay. i love you. so much. nti nk msak sambal ikan bilis tok u. i reti tau. tgk ni:
shopping! ni bnde ak plg ske buat. dr kecik sampai besar. xtau pangai sape ak amek, mak ak kot. hahaha. well, balik kl sudah smstinya ak pokai, tpkse bjimat. jimat ke? ceh. tak jugak. so balik kch ak "manfaat" kan spnoh ny harta mak ak. haha :p hasilny ak dpt 2 dress 1 heels. :)
thx to gawai. wadges ni 50% less. up from RM8++
yang ni~ sygny xde less :( sbb tlmpau suka, mlayang 2 ratus mak ak. haha
thx God. :)
if you leave me now~chicago
And if you leave me now, you'll take away the very heart of me
no baby please don't go
i just want you to stay
A love like ours is love that's hard to find
How could we let it slip away
We've come too far to leave it all behind
How could we end it all this way
When tomorrow comes and we'll both regret
The things we said today
If you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me
Uh uh uh uh no baby please don't go
Uh boy, just got to have you by my side
I just got to have your lovin', yeah
Saturday, May 29, 2010
tell me if u really love a woman
To really love a woman
To understand her - you gotta know it deep inside
Hear every thought - see every dream
N' give her wings - when she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
You know you really love a woman
When you love a woman you tell herthat she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?
To really love a woman
Let her hold you -
til ya know how she needs to be touched
You've gotta breathe her - really taste her
Til you can feel her in your blood
N' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
You know you really love a woman
You got to give her some faith - hold her tight
A little tenderness - gotta treat her right
She will be there for you, takin' good care of you
Ya really gotta love your woman...
~Bryan Adam
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Inilah sebagian dari tanda-tanda akhir zaman. Bahwa telah muncul "Dajjal" bernama Sai Baba, dia lahir dan tinggal di Desa Nilayam Puthaparti, wilayah timur Khurasan, tepatnya India Selatan. Merujuk pada riwayat hadist dari Jamiu at Tirmidzi,
"Rasulullah SAW bersabda kepada kami, Dajjal akan keluar dari bumi ini di bagian timur bernama Khurasan"
Maka boleh jadi yang dimaksud Rasulullah SAW tersebut ialah benar adanya. Abu Hurairah meriwayatkan bahwa Nabi SAW. bersabda: "Hari Kiamat tidak akan datang hingga 30 Dajjal (pendusta) muncul, mereka semua berdusta tentang Allah dan Rasul-Nya.
Dan Sai Baba ini bisa jadi adalah salah satu dari 30 dajjal-dajjal kecil yang akan membuka jalan bagi munculnya al-Masih al-Dajjal (Dajjal nantinya akan berperang dengan Imam Mahdi dan di bunuh oleh nabi Isa bin Maryam).
-Laki-laki ini memiliki kemampuan menghidupkan orang mati,
-Menyembuhkan orang lumpuh dan buta,
-Bahkan mampu menurunkan hujan dan mengeluarkan tepung dari tangannya.
-Ia juga mampu berjalan melintasi belahan bumi dalam sekejap,
-Menciptakan patung emas, merubah besi menjadi emas, dan banyak lagi berbagai fitnah yang ditunjukkan oleh Sai Baba kepada ribuan orang Bahkan - jutaan yang datang dari berbagai suku bangsa dan agama.

Saat ini laki-laki ini sudah memiliki puluhan juta pengikut.
"Dajjal adalah seorang laki-laki yang gemuk, berkulit merah dan berambut keriting..." (HR.Bukhari dan Muslim)
"Di awal kemunculannya, Dajjal berkata, Aku adalah nabi, padahal tidak ada nabi setelahku. Kemudian ia memuji dirinya sambil berkata, Aku adalah Rabb kalian, padahal kalian tidak dapat melihat Rabb kalian sehingga kalian mati (HR.Ibnu Majah)

-Dajjal seorang laki yang berpostur pendek, gempal, berambut kribo, berkaki bengkok (agak pengkor). Sai Baba seorang yang berpostur pendek dan berambut kribo.
-Dajjal memiliki mata yang buta. Sai Baba pernah mengalami kebutaan di waktu muda kemudian sembuh kembali.
-Dajjal datang dan bersama ada gunung roti dan sungai air. Sai Baba memiliki kemampuan mengeluarkan vibhuti (tepung suci) dari udara melalui tangannya.
-Dajjal memiliki kemampuan berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain dengan cepat dan kecepatannya seperti hujan badai atau secepat awan yang ditiup angin kencang. Sai Baba memiliki kemampuan berjalan menjelajahi bumi dalam hitungan kejapan mata.
-Dajjal mengikuti pengikut yang sangat banyak, bahkan di akhir zaman nanti banyak manusia yang berangan-angan untuk berjumpa dengan Dajjal. Sai Baba memiliki pengikut yang jumlahnya puluhan juta manusia dari berbagai macam suku, bangsa, negara dan agama.
-Dajjal akan muncul dengan mengaku sebagai orang bijak/ baik, sehingga banyak sekali orang yang tertarik untuk mengikutinya. Sai Baba mengaku sebagai orang yang bijak yang membawa misi perdamaian, cinta kasih menghapuskan segala persengketaan dengan bijaksana.
-Dajjal akan muncul dan sebagai nabi. Sai Baba memposisikan dirinya sebagai nabi kepada pengikut-pengikutnya.
-Dajjal akan menggunakan nama Al-Masih. Sai Baba mengaku akan menjelma sebagai Isa Al-Masih setelah tahun 2020.
-Dajjal akan mengaku sebagai Tuhan. Sai Baba mengklaim bahwa dirinya adalah Tuhan penguasa alam semesta.
-Dajjal akan mendakwahkan agama Allah. Dalam banyak majelis darshanya Sai Baba banyak berbicara tentang Islam, Al-Qur'an dan keharusan untuk memahaminya.
-Dajjal mampu menghidupkan orang mati dan menyembuhkan orang sakit. Sai Baba memiliki kemampuan menghidupkan orang mati juga menyembuhkan penyakit kanker.
-Dajjal dapat menurunkan hujan. Sai Baba memiliki kemampuan menurunkan hujan dan mendatangkan air untuk irigasi (di NTT sedang di bangun proyek Sai Baba untuk pengairan di daerah yang kering).
-Dajjal bisa mengeluarkan perbendaharaan (perhiasan dan harta) dari bangunan yang roboh, lalu perbendaharaan itu akan mengikuti ratunya. Sai Baba mampu menciptakan patung emas, kalung emas, injil mini dan berbagai bentuk medalai berlafadz ALLAH dalam sekejap.
-Dajjal akan membunuh seseorang dan menghidupkannya kembali. Sai Baba bisa menghidupkan orang yang sudah meninggal dunia.
-Dajjal bisa berpindah raga dan tempat dari satu bentuk ke bentuk lainnya. Sai Baba bisa berpindah dari satu jasad ke jasad lainnya yang merupakan benruk reinkarnasi dirinya.
-Dajjal bisa membesarkan tubuhnya. Sai Baba memliki kemampuan berjalan di udara dan membuat kemukjizatan pada sebuah pesawat terbang.
-Dajjal biasa keluar masuk pasar dan makanan. Sai Baba juga manusia biasa yang makan dan minum sebagaimana manusia lainnya, ia juga bisa berjalan ke pasar, rumah sakit, proyek irigasi dan tempat lain yang biasa dikunjungi manusia.
-Dajjal bisa memerintahkan bumi untuk mengeluarkan tumbuh-tumubuhnan dan air. Sai baba bisa mengeluarkan air dengan hentakan kakinya.
-Dajjal tidak memliki anak. Sai Baba mandul, ia tidak beranak dan tidak berkeluarga (tidak menikah).
-Dajjal memimpin orang yahudi. Sai Baba memiliki misi menyebarkan teologi zionis.
-Dajjal muncul di zaman pertikaian. Sai Baba mengklaim bahwa ia datang dari masa banyak pertikaian dan persengketaan, dan kedatangannya untuk menegakkan kebenaran dan membinasakan kejahatan.

Kesimpulan: Bahwa sifat Dajjal dan Sai Baba yang diutarakan diatas adalah bagian dari sifat salah satu 30 dajjal-dajjal kecil (pendusta-pendusta akhir zaman) yang akan membuka jalan bagi munculnya al-Masih al-Dajjal (Dajjal besar).
Yang ciri-cirinya menurut riwayat hadits shahih adalah sebagai berikut :
-Dajjal buta sebelah seperti buah anggur.
-Kedua matanya ada tulisan kafir yang dapat dibaca oleh orang beriman.
-Dajjal tinggal di bumi selama 40 hari, 1 hari seperti setahun, 1 hari berikutnya seperti sebulan, 1 hari berikutnya seperti seminggu, 1 hari berikutnya seperti hari biasa.
Hadis riwayat Anas bin Malik ra., ia berkata:
Rasulullah saw. bersabda: "Tidak ada satu negeri yang tidak dimasuki Dajjal, kecuali Mekah dan Madinah, dan tidak ada satu jalan di Madinah, kecuali terdapat malaikat yang berbaris menjaganya. Maka Dajjal singgah di daerah rawa, kemudian Madinah bergoncang tiga kali goncangan, sehingga seluruh orang kafir dan munafik keluar dari sana menuju ke tempat Dajjal."
seram kan?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
little gals dancing single ladies. awesome!
awesome huh?
comel tak?

Friday, May 14, 2010
i ♥ ♥ ♥ my boyfreind (^.^)
I love u bcuz u make me happy
I love u bcuz u make me feel safe and secure
I love ur smile.. we have a same teeth huh? n its cute btw :)
I love the way u say my name
I love the look in ur eyes when u tell me u love me
N how u laugh at me when I do sumthing stupid, when others would put
me down.
I love the fact that when Im around u I can be myself n not worry about what u may think of me, bcuz I know u love me for who I am.
No matter what my faults may be. (^______^)
reality hits that you are not a dream U R MINE.
I love the way you wrap ur arms around me and hold me really tight, like there is no i always told u..syg rindu lengan u♥
I love your laugh ♥
I love hearing your voice
I love that u get along with my friends, no matter how much u dislike them, or who they are... wee!
N hearing u tell me ur stories, u could tell them to me a thousand times, n I'll never get tired of 'em, bcuz they r a part of u.
But the main reason I love u is bcuz.....
U r U! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
sgt suke vid ni sbb sgt shweettttt ♥ best kalau jd miranda. try tgk orait? such a cute music clip.

its almost 2 weeks at home n im so boring. i really dun have a clue on wat to do..argghh. the day n moves too slow.. i have another how many weeks huh. rite now im not really in a gud mood. my bf n i seems so.... far... we're not like we used too. he's being cool to me n its so tough. he's really bz doin his work..ermm. some kind of designing or sumting related.. sumtimes i forget about my phone. haihs its sucx. its unexpected. i hate being alone. i cant find sumone else bcuz he's all i wanted. plz help me to work on our relationship. sumhow,tq for taking me for granted. i love u still. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I love when u call me syg. u makes me feel alive. :) today is our 5 month relationship.

im tryin my best to avoid tis feeling of being ignored. i'd try to be positive and hope its worth it. my ex called me back. two of my ex actually. ely was being nice n we're cool. but im a faithful lover? i guess? we're fighting n yah. its all over. its completely a mess. tis morning my other ex called.."hey how r u..where have u been..yada..yada..tis is my new number..hope we can stay in touch.." ohh fuck u amin. stop messing around me dude. hes also asked about me thru my frens n it doesnt make sense! how i hate tat voice and laugh. u r sum kind of rubbish. go away.
its miserable. its a mess. i lost my sanity. butttt... I dont suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it. *tats how i motivated myself..*
ohh im bored. boredom doesnt inspired me at all! i hate those shitty sounds tat came out from my dad's mouth every morning to wake me up. but finally i realized, sumday im goin to miz it :( sorry dady. sumtimes ur daughter..wildly too rough. gosh i feel like retard..wit no feeling! I feel like a fugitive from the law of averages.. Always angry for no reason at all..Constantly wanting to end this brawl..Fighting wit myself again, and again..
keep safe mint. u r the soul survivor. yihaaa!
Fear is when you run away,
Fear is when you’re scared to love someone,
Fear is when the sky turns grey,
Fear is when you lose your loved ones,
Fear is a feeling of danger,
Fear is when you aren’t brave,
Fear is the feeling of anger,
Fear is when you can’t behave,
Fear is when your shy,
Fear is like not having devotion,
Fear is when you’re afraid of saying bye,
Fear is like a dark blue ocean,
Fear is like ending you’re career,
Fear is like being lonely,
Fear is like not being able to reappear,
Fear is like feeling ghostly,
Fear is like an ashtray,
Fear is like a dark dungeon.
my fav on the BRITAIN GOT TALENT :)
tis is connie talbot. she's now 14 if im not mistaken. small girl wit a very big voice. she's one of my fav in Britain got talent as she sang my fav childhood song OVER THE RAINBOW. how i wish i could sing like tat when i was young. tell me, does she look like me?? oh yess?? ohh great, my future daughter will be juz like her!:) she was fantastic n everyone was impressed with her performance.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
if you really love a woman
To really love a woman
To understand her - you gotta know it deep inside
Hear every thought - see every dream
N' give her wings - when she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
You know you really love a woman
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?
To really love a woman
Let her hold you -
til ya know how she needs to be touched
You've gotta breathe her - really taste her
Til you can feel her in your blood
N' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
You know you really love a woman
You got to give her some faith - hold her tight
A little tenderness - gotta treat her right
She will be there for you, takin' good care of you
Ya really gotta love your woman...
~Bryan Adam
i was T_T readin the lyrics. its perfect.
need you now
Another shot of whiskey can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
~lady antebellum
I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it -- I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. By so doing, I can love me and be friendly with all my parts :) :) :)
I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay.”
I live my life to the fullest. I experience joy and fulfillment with every breath. I live each moment as if it were my last. When it comes to life, I take it to the limit! :) guess it is not tat hard huh.? ohh yeah tat is so called mint!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Dance Academy
"more than just dance". I believes that dancing brings so much more. It’s good for the mind, body and soul to feel the rhythm of the music and express it with body movement, AND it’s good exercise and just plain fun!
MTV is very similar to hip hop or modern dancing where latest funky, upbeat dance movements are choreographed to the lyrics of the song. Imagine urself being able to groove like the celebrities seen in the music videos at the end of the session
Funky Moves
This very syllabus originates from line dancing. It is a dance using funky moves bursting flare, fun style according to the latest chart sounds and can be learned at any pace. Get fit and good clean fun at the same time :)
"Yeah you could be the model type,
Skinny wit no appetite
Short, stacked, black or white,
Long as you do what you like
Body outta sight, body, body outta sight.."
I Cant Talk When Im Crying, So Dont Ask Me "Whats Wrong?" Just Hug Me
Love is never beautiful, but I will keep until I die. he is the man I love. today I cry, tomorrow promise me a happiness. fight for love, is not easy. i'll not give up. im strong and determined. im 21th and i want the best for myself.although it has not been easy. it is not easy. within two years,many "trials" faced by my friends to keep their love alive. TWO YEARS MINT! TWO YEARS. grace.. mun & jibam. be strong. This patient made me strong. yes. each days. many tears for him..why he never understood? how deep is ur love huh? women wants to be pampered. guess its a normal things. God plz Give me strength.
bkk sem ni. ok, terlampau byk planning. haha. I would like to join the dance class! besides being thin, it is healthy. kan kan? haha. bln 6 results deg kua, grrr.. theres a butterfly in my stomach! preparations were made. stayin wif frens in the rental house would b great! how i cant wait. ok bax to our story regarding the dance class, actually my dream is to dance in front of everyone..with great style. sexy and seductive. haha. im not jk. i really mean it. I've sent an email to dance joyclub Academy, and asking for a monthly fee, I hope the dance classes are not expensive and fit with my financial situation as a student. my mom gave "consent". consent--haha mcm askar plak.
My diet story runs smoothly . Today I ate rice in a very very very very little quantity.. yiay! exercise in the evening. wellll......exercise is not easy. When I managed to lose weight, some people doesnt see the effort. but im pretty happy! aku slim kot. cmon! korang jeles. most of my frens finally realized and told me to stop dieting but aint gona stop. wat do u guys knw bout the satisfaction of being skinny.. u guys noe stop bothering me. hahahha
so here the song..tat always accompanying me. listened to it makes me STRONG.
After all you put me through
You'd think I'd despise you
But in the end I wanna thank you
'Cause you made that much stronger
Well I thought I knew you
Thinking that you were true
Guess I, I couldn't trust called your bluff
Time is up, 'cause I've had enough
You were there by my side
Always down for the ride
But your joy ride just came down in flames
'Cause your greed sold me out in shame
After all of the stealing and cheating
You probably think that
I hold resentment for you
But uh uh, oh no, you're wrong
'Cause if it wasn't for all
That you tried to do
I wouldn't know just how capable I am to pull through
So I wanna say thank you
'Cause it
Makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
Makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter
Never saw it coming
All of your backstabbing
Just so, you could cash in on a good thing
Before I'd realized your game
I heard you're going 'round
Playin' the victim now
But don't even begin feelin' I'm the one to blame
'Cause you dug your own grave
After all of the fights and the lies
Guess you're wanting to hurt me
But that won't work anymore
No more, uh uh, it's over
'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture
I wouldn't know how to be this way now
And never back down
So I wanna say thank you
How could this man I thought I know
Turn out to be unjust so cruel?
Could only see the good in you
Pretended not to see the truth
You tried to hide your lies
Disguise yourself through
Living in denial
But in the end you'll see
You won't stop me
Thought I would forget
But I remember
Yes I remember
I'll remember
Friday, May 7, 2010
future son & daughter

comel kan maddox. stylo sgt


ak ske kalau anak ak chinese look. biala keturunan tu kekal. ahaha

SURI! the gorgeous suri (^_________^)



ZAHARA..SHILOH & SURI. dayummmm! wearin a branded clothes. dush


come to mama switheart
i am..
I am strong
I am a fighter
I am rude
I am a daredevil
I am ...
But now..
I was so tired i could hardly stay upright
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
promised not to cry!
Demam :( knp time2 mcm ni ak mesti demam… ish. Ak dhla x bpa nk strong, Tuhan bg demam lg.. asal ek malang nasib ak.. sakit bkn maen lg.. sakit pale..bdn xyah ctr la ey..ak rse mybe sbb cuaca pns smlm . sbb terlampau byk pk.. xtau la. Perlu kea k nk pk bnda2 yg buat ak sndri down sampai mcmni.. kekuatan, bg la ak kekuatan..sikit pun jadikla. Ak still strong lg ni..still mampu pk positive even org anggap ak negative thinker…not really. Ak x salahkan org laen..Cuma ak juz nk ckp ape ak rasa… tp xley nk tgkap mksud ak..ape g ak ptt buat…bkn senang. Sgt tough.bodoh sgt dah sakit2 still gagahkn diri bkk lappy. gila gian kan? ak pun x sgka. sungguh. takley nk tdo.. xkn nk lyn prasaan jer.. bengkak mata ak esok kang. xnk la mcm alicia keys~sleeping with a broken heart. ahahaha (^_^) sbb arini bkn ari ak let go prasaan mcmni..wpun susah tp kene jgk.. bkn sume org fhm. life.. knp sgt unfair. so apa ak kne buat ek..
ahhaaaa. lupa lak. ADAM! hah. ko dtg balik. udah2 la tuh. ko byk try nk hancurkn idop ak, boleh lak ko try nk chat ngn ak ngn ayt2 maniss ko..ko xyah la wey..even ak ngn Man dlm crisis skrg tp ak waras lg..ko mmg stalker ak an..mane2 aje ko nmpak ak..dress putih tu baju tdo ak..ape yg lovely ny. freak. mampos kau.