Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 27, 2009

dress oh shayangg!

Hari sabtu merupakn 1 of my lucky day s i bought few dresses.*not few but...erm.too many i guess* hehehe.ade 4 sume nye.well,ak dh ckp ak gila dress sket.mak ak pun da xley nk buat ape daaa.skrg ni ak tringin nk pkai cheongsam la plak..*konon sbb bdarah cina* mak ak pun support bagai haa."pakaila,ma dulu pun ada cheongsam,kaler itam.." "manemane?????" mak ak jwb.."tahla..dah bkurun dh..xtau mana letak ha.." *now ak tau,pangai sape ak ikot..gemar menari..besolek..tgk cermin..try baju sehari b4 occasion..plan early.tau pangai sape ak ikottt!
ni dress ak.lawa x?ckpla lawa..plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. :p


sori la ak xtau ape kne ngn pic ni pdahal ak dh rotate.

ni half je haa..ade g ak x bwk blik..ade kt putra..

no komen. ;)

well,ak pun xtau nk mrepek ape kali ni..tahla..lately ak sgt pemalas nk korg tgk pic giler ak ngn kazen2 ak jela..*boring*

dorg ni la temankan ak ngn mak ak shopping,well sgt njoy dpt spent time ngn kazen like we used to when we was so small ;)

ak x ingat ni taun bile..yg ak tau ak djh 1 kot.skrg msg2 dh tringin nk pg blik zaman tu,gune pintu chaya masa doraemon...bez kot.huhu.pic ni jelas sgt mnunjukkn tahap ke-retarded-kn ak ekceli bermula dr kecik lg.n yg 2 org kzen ak tu sopan santun dr kecik.ahaha

ak bajet hot?mmg pon.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

obsessed ngan blog sendiri!

orait..another 7-8 days to go..go back to kl is sumthing parents left alone here.huhu..while at the same time,laki ak tgh tunggu kt sana.nun.....jauh d sana.heee.tu jer yg buat smgat sket nk blik tu..psl planning ni sume org champion la.planning itu ini..lebih2 lg ak..planning sume nk njoy..ngn sapa2 la.ak mmg tebaek bab2 njoy sakan ni..huhu..bile dh nk blik ni mcm2 la permintaan ak..n guess wat,semua dituruti! nk mkn ni..ok dpt..nk ni??! xsmpai sejam mak ak bwk blik..*gulagula kapas jer pon* mcm bebudak glr.ak tgk pk ni..mane ak nk dpt duit bykbyk ni..hehe.yela..dresses ak esok dh sepasang rm90.2 psg rm180.ak nk bli lg dress ni..yg laen lak..BOROS MELAMPAU GILA KO MINT =) boros tahap rosmah mansorrr.seb bek ak x inject botox.wakaka.aip2.x baek dol.


cerita banglo 10 tingkat~hehe 10 tingkat?x hade laaa.tu flat nme ny..2 tingkat jer..xcited tol ak bile mak ak ckp nk buat banglo kt tepi pantai..yay! i was thinkin to do my wedding there akceli.wakaka.profit anak2 Sarkawi dptla.harus =) mesti best.meriah.glem!
ekceli ak xtau nk mrepek ape..juz bcoz ak sgt obsessed ngn blog ak ni so stiap msa ak pk nk typing jer..wawa.buduh thp cipan..mane ak installer anti virus ak??malu la kang xley crik :")
Man: its ok syg..u email installer anti virus kat i bleh tak syg? *ALAMAKKKKK*
aku: *pk 600x..garugaru pale n senyum tsngih* cane? i buat kt kdai la syg.buta teknologi
Man: Nie br bute it yg sebenar.hahaha..cube u cek folder driver u, installer u.. cube cek syg *ckp nk lembut..ingt ak nk bg la ni..?*
Aku: xmo ah.hehehe
Man:nape tanak?tak taw ke syg? *cis*
Aku: hehehe :p *malu nk mampos..*
Man: hahahahahaha! *abes r..da gelak pjg cmtu..* takpe2.. anda masih muda, ade mase lg utk blaja celik it..haha! *kwaja..tunggu jer nk knekan ak ek mamat ni..*
Aku: Benci ah!nk crik ktne?? *blushing..*
Man: hahahaha! takpe la syg.. lain kali k.. u blogging je k syg
Aku: Pasni sng r knekan i.huh
Man: Hahaha! point baek punye. tunggu mse je syg nk knekan u..*biadab laki ni*

ak ckp kt dier ak ak p search benda x guna yg mjtuhkn maruah ak tu.bia dier nmpk sket ak ni lg ++++++++ celik IT dr dier.pastu nmpak r ke-swit-tan ak ni.wawa :") tp asal x jumpe ni u??mane lappy bodoh ak sorokkn! zamzam alakazam! * x muncul gak* ttp lappy r.pandai2 la ak tukaq topic t..wakaka
CHAOZ!*ape?mrepek sorg2?ade ak kesah?skati ak r nk taip ape..otak ak..bkn gune otak korg?!*


Man da promised nk bwk ak p zoo.THUMBS UP! happy glr kt zoo en.sounds a bit mrepek tp ok la tu.dlm mse yg sme ley visit kwnkwn Man yg da lme terpenjara kt syg i noe u muz be very xcited n cant wait to meet them! yay!*ak jer sbnrny xcited lebih ni.heee.ak tanak amek tau r ape dier nk ckp..pelik ke..ape..sbb tetbe ak nk g zoo.MINT?ZOO?! ak pun pelik oleh krn ak ni animal lover maka ak se x slh kalau ktorg dating smbil menimba ilmu.ceycheychey. :p mesti trok dier ak kne kan nti.yela..kwn dier rmai kt situ.dok bgayutttt..
oleh krn mood ak skrg ke arah kebinatangan sket so ak nk share kt korg bbrp pitcha yg ak jumpe sgt comel n funny! so so so funny!.check it out =)

ni mesti datok berok tua jer.besar n gedabak.takottt,kalau la dier hmpap ak ni..

muke baru btol innocent.haha

mcm prof je ko ek

sumpah yg ni scary n ugliest animal ak pnh nmpk seumo idop ak


comel glr. dier xtahan nk tgelak la ni

bwk lari anak org!

yg ni ak plg x tahan! sumpah..tah ape ade dlm otak dier mse ni.rugged biru.adoittt

.mak ayam.

mick jagger versi gak.

alolorh.muke mtk penyepak.hhahah hina.haha

cacat semnjak lahir ni

so cute.dush!

"sape x mrh ak balik jer bini ak maen mahjong!"

tu jer! ade lg ak upload lg ea!


love & obstacles

A relationship is not just connecting on a physical level, that would just be meaningless and wont last long.

Yes-yes, to a certain point it is and that emotionally and physically feelings should be balanced. But when you and your partner come to a point when after just liking each other you begin to feel and care for each other that you can never do for anyone else, than will you understand just how much that person means to you.

A feeling like that can never be replaced by just physical looks or anything else like that.Even in a relationship, you will not only begin to understand the other person better but you will also begin to understand yourself, and all the little habits that might annoy the other person, or make them happy.

The longer you’re with each other, the more you begin to adapt to each other and this doesn’t just happen immediately, it takes time for something like this to happen. The person also becomes someone you can really confide in, but don’t forget about your friends around you though. They are important too!

i had learned tat the most important thing in relationship is ~being matured n tolerate~tats wat my bf n i practic everyday.stop accusing each other n so forth.urghh BABY I LOVE U TOO MUCH..! he's a very kind hearted man wif a very wonderful love.tats the power of love.

intruder?ni mmg perkara biase dlm relationship.i dun really give a damn. *pegi mampos kau*

Through a relationship, i begin to grow more mature (hopefully) at handling issues, be it good or bad..gud in handling my hot tempered.

OUR UPCOMING MOVIES!~avatar.adoiiii da lme nk tgk,tp sbb dh promised nk tgk ngn Man maka ak thn dulu.adussh.lme nk tunggu 3 hb ni.sabar mint sabar!

lessons that i learn from "slow talk" activity:

  1. dpt longgarkn nerve blkg tengkok ak yg dr td tegang jer

  2. dpt dgr sore dier..* order to make things better,dier mstila kne kol n ajak ak slow talk* :p

  3. when he spoke in calm in a very calm n swit voice,it makes my world ... ! :D i feel like 3 year old girl asked for a lolypop

  4. yea of coz,things get much juz split of sec. im the fire n he's the water.roarrr!

  5. grow more mature :) no *childishchildish anymore laaa*

  6. decrease my blood presure ;)

  7. being a gud listener is important as it will kep u n ur partner in a gud condition when having a crisis.


read the lyric,its my expression =)

boy, you`re every breath I take

baby,Your love rules every move I make

baby,And I know that you can`t read my mind

And baby, maybe I

Don`t say it as often as I should

But I really want it to be heard

When I say I love you that`s for good

You have my word

That day after day after allI will always be true

That`s a promise I make to you

You, you take this heart of mine

And make it better

I need you to

Come and walk with me through this life Forever
And I know these words are long over due
And baby, maybe I

I may hold you....I may need you....I may want to =)

i owe u chicken rice!

so which one u love syg??ni hainanese chicken dad fav onee...hee.dier cm cabar ak msk..aii tgk org la..anak chef kot..nk tau x cra masak?meh wa aja u guys ho.

ayam la op coz.xkn ikang..udang..ketam..
air..*1 periuk laa..* ahaha
kicap soya cair
berasss.hahaaa..**giler x pro..**

  1. mule2 rebus ayam ni..xyah letak minyak ker hape..sume jnis myk is forbiden! x kire la myk seri murni ker..myk kelapa ker..olive oil no no!
  2. the reason why myk x dgunakn is bcoz ayam akn keluarkan myk dier yg sndri..yg chat for sure..
  3. sementara tunggu ayam masak..cuci la beras luu..
  4. tanak beras tu ngn air rebusan ayam td..
  5. done! cut the chicken into pieces pastu kuahkan ngn kicap soya cair.
  6. hidangkn pd suami.teman lelaki.kekaseh hati.sanak sedare.kaum kerabat n sahabat handai & taulan ;)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


.i was stupid.
.im idiot.
.im donkey.
.its my biggest mistakes.
.forgive me.
.caused u lots of troubles everyday.
.surfing the net nowadays is scary for u i guess.
.again,im so sorry.
.i repeat,SORRY.

another rubbishes u should read IDIOT!

I finally feel no emotions inside for you,...Was so easy just to hide the truth from you...Building up these walls was just a hobby for you ,the selfishness in your eyes...Is this all a dreamI was living in a fucked up place................they would look straight in my face and lie........How selfish was i to think that i could relyon fake snakes just like you destroying my life!!!!!

And now i start to see all i was given was this fucked up place..........A little change of pace would do me fine,but i cant find that peace of mind to help me........unwind Im running blind through landmines.......

Im just a little bit crazy and nothing can help............

Im not even worth saving....Just wanna freak out and ball my fists.......Just break these walls....Dont know where im going or i belong....Im always wrong when it comes to me and you........Never believing me,when Ive always told the truth!!!!...

Can never get it right with you until im broken....I know in my mind its you SAYOQ

And all i wanted was a little respect,not to be put to the test,and find you up in my face again....Down on the ground,this time i wont play around, this rage feeds off...the sound of me breaking you down...

So i breathe in breathe out 1-2-3and then im at it again...

You people dont love me,was only envy you seek,you put your claws in me....

Im just a little bit crazy and nothing can help....Im not even worth saving...Just break these walls....Dont know where im going or i belong....Im just a little bit crazy and nothing can help....
Im not even worth saving



Lay a whisper on my pillow
Leave the winter on the ground
I wake up lonely, is there a silence
In the bedroom and all around

Touch me now, I close my eyes
And dream away...
It must have been love, but it's over now
It must have been good, but I lost it somehow
It must have been love, but it's over now
From the moment we touched till the time had run out

Make believing we're together
That I'm sheltered by your heart
But in and outside I turn to water
Like a teardrop in your palm
And it's a hard winter's day
I dream away...

It must have been love, but it's over now
It was all that I wanted, now I'm living without
It must have been love, but it's over now
It's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows
It must have been love, but it's over now
It must have been good, but I lost it somehow
It must have been love, but it's over now
From the moment we touched till the time had run out


types of thinking
might have also thought that you can't grow new brain cells (neurons) once you reach adulthood. Whether or not that is true (the decision is still out) does NOT really matter. ... The secret to a lively brain is NOT your number of neurons -- it is the diversity of interconnections between those neurons. ... an unusual supply of interconnections is NOT inherited. No one is born with such a brain -- it is created. ... Your brain follows the same rule as your muscles -- use it or lose it. Unused neural interconnections actually shrink and die. But if you engage in regular mental workouts, those interconnections then expand and strengthen.
is an extremely intelligent man, but in some ways he was using his own intelligence against himself. The problem was that when Randall did have those brief moments of true connection, he immediately went into his mind to try to figure out how it happened. The moment he went into his mind, he lost the connection that he so desperately desired. The reason Randall went into his mind was that, as much as he wanted the joy of deep spiritual connection, he wanted something even more than that - control over that connection.
WexlerJust like exercising to condition your muscles, your mind also works best if it is challenged frequently with creative thinking exercises.
MetzkerWhat was the secret of Pellerin’s success? Dozens of other people at NASA had high IQs and world-class technical knowledge... What made him persist until the Hubble telescope was fixed when others felt overwhelmed by the challenge? His mind perceived reality differently. He reframed the situation as an unfinished project, not a failed one.
Stress sets into motion the body’s fight or flight response, pouring cortisol into the body and eventually exhausting the adrenal glands. Adrenal exhaustion can be one of the results of so much negative thinking.... Moving out of negative thinking is a process that takes time.
neuroscientists claim that genius-level mental functioning is primarily all about the ever-changing maze of interconnections among your neurons (brain cells.) The scientific evidence is this: The more you stimulate and challenge your brain, the more connections it is forced to create so that your neurons can communicate with each other. And the more interconnections you have between your neurons, the closer you move toward genius-level creativity and thinking.
the Psychology of Optimal Experience" and a number of related books, psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced me-high chick-sent-me-high) says we can facilitate the conditions for this quality of optimal functioning, and that it may be found in a wide range of careers and activities.
One sense of this word "ego" is a distorted self-regard, what psychologist Carl Jung referred to as "inflated consciousness... hypnotized by itself." Many people recognize the need to modulate this kind of ego in order to facilitate the creative process. And there are other, more internal and subtle aspects of consciousness that help create the more external kinds of "ego" behavior, and that may interfere with access to creative awareness.
Want a fast way to get creative? Stop thinking! Most of what we call "thinking" is simply labeling. We're repeating old tapes in our head. This type of thinking is not creative, and there's no way to access our true creativity from this mindset.
Association for Psychological ScienceWhen people are made to think quickly, they report feeling happier as a result. They also say they are more energetic, more creative, more powerful, and more self-assured. In short, they reported a whole set of experiences associated with being "manic."


juz finished watching the biggest loser asia..1st season n its also our first chance to lose weight.sonok tgk dorg competing each other.huuu..being overweight is sumthing tat i cant imagine.i was obsessssss! completely.totally.100% so stress out in a maintain my body figure. kalau ade lemak2 sket pon dh..aiyo..spoil my day..its unfortunate tat my dad is a very good "chef" at home.unfortunate?hehe.kind of =p sory fav food?of food! im a very loyal customer wat..n its contained a bunch of calories inside.aniway,dady's food is always the best..huuu. i have to be fit! exercises is my bestfren nowadays. i cycled everyday. :) its gud to be in shape again. in a sexy way.roarrrrr! i still have a longlong way to go.

dpd ape yg kite tgk..contestant yg took part in this competition,dorg ni have a very succesful carier. some works as a manager..paramedic..or even teacher.but when it comes to food,bkn stakat dorg,yg kurus pun lemah.tats y kite often met sumone so thin but unhealthy. high blood preasure..high colestrol in their blood.*ko mkn minyak ker..* bdn?lg skinny dr tiang lampu..

when i asked wat should those who suffered from the high colestrol,my dad kept teasing me.."eat meat a lot la lots of seafoods..prawn.." *sounds so yummy btw* n we laughed together.. my mum pon starts la bg ceramah mls nk bsenam bkn apa..lack of energy.lazy.bsenam sket kang breathless.stamina x kuat.tats y sng dpt penyakit.simple.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

lagu utk PAKGUARD UiTM.

pakguard oh pakguard!

mse mula2 Man ckp dier nk ak tlg upload kn lgu pakguard ni..ak cam.."apela laki ak..mane ade lgu tu wujud kt dunia moden ni..gila hape dier ni.." pastu dier ttp lwn ckp ak.."ade..ade..ade.."..ak soh dier email kt ak..well mmg culture ak ngn dier tukaq2 lagu ni.bajet msg2 ade lgu bez r.*lebih2 ak en..* ;p ak da received lgu pakguard tu.makin salu ak dgr mkin syok lak lgu ni.WTH.maki pakguard.mtk2 pakguard UiTM x bce blog ak ni.nk share kt korg jer..lirik dier..creative abes.smbil dgr tu ak hangguk pale lak tu tanda stuju.haha

so here's the lyric:

alamak!ada roadblock dihadapan

bkn polis jpj..pakguard nye kdudukan

kalau takda sticker saman dikenekan
jangan nk lawan nanti kau dibicarakan
pelajar bawak rokok korg nk sit
ini university bknnya asrama
semua pelajar korg rasa nk benci
tak kira laki pompuan
lagi2 pakguard bajet tgh berdiri
semua ada otak lu pikirla sendiri
nak bertekak nanti kata kurang ajar
nak tegur pula tak paham bahasa
kalau kaki tgk naik kata main kasar
pakguard2..gila kuasa
pakguard2..gia wang
pakguard2..gila saman

masok dalam UiTM tabik pada mereka
bkn nk perli tp ikut arahan saja
berjanggut..berjambang..muka asyik berkerut
bergelut bergalah lu pikir gua takut
gaya rambut nk berpacakpacak
muka tak jambu kau jgn nk berlagak
kerja mudah cuma berdiri tegak
terpekik melalak buat sakit anak tekak
limo biru berlagak mcm polis
korang jgn lupa korang blaja pun tak habis
datang berlagak penuh dgn cerita saje
masuk lewat dorang ingat kita khalwat
kita nak cepat dorang yg buat lambat
sakit otak tension yg amat sgt
ckp nk lebat....*x dgr sgt lirik
brapa ribu gaji kau sebulan
sampai semuanya nak kau lawan
semua kau tahan semua kau saman
lagak polis tp cuma pengawal keselamatan
dapat kerja senang,kerja lebih kurang
stakat duduk diam perhati orang
lantak korang,aku tak goyah
yg penting jgn jaga tepi kain orang
kecik dulu mak bapak hantar sekolah
tp kau lari ramai2 g berkelah
dapt results kau tak boley blah
dpt kerja pakguard pun jd lah
bermodalkan perot boroi bermisai tebal.....*yg ni kejam dow..sapela tu..haha*
korang pikir korang semua kebal

yg lepas tu kejam sgt.haha.*rated*maki hamun tahap dewa..ha tis is wat happened bile bdk2 dh tension ngn pangai pakguard.SORI BRO. ape yg dak2 ni ckp tol gak.yela kdg2 small matter the pieces pun pakguard nk saman.even ak sndri pun pnh kne saman sbb..*sexy* menurut pakguard la..ngoks tahap dewa..dhla time tu ak,nina ngn frh rushing nk anta brg sume..ade hal sket..dier lak nk tochey ak bjam2 dlm post guard.blah.padahal ak pkai xdela sexy sgt pongg.pas bg resit ape tah.."ANDA TELAH DIKENAKAN SAMAN KERENA BERPKAIAN TERDEDAH DI..TUTTTT.." ak tgk ok jer ha ak pkai..xpsl2 ak kne jumpe..sape tah..xingat lak..pakai bju kurung..tutup habesss.dier soh p ak x g pun cramah tu.breaking the rules abes.huhu..pendek kate bnde ni tjd stiap university pon..lg2 kt uitm.kdg2 pk..umm.tah pape tah dorg ni.ade gak yg gatal nk mention name ah.kang ade kaum krabat dier tbace lak blog ni..bile gtau kwn2,rupenya dier tu muda lg..nmpk jer tua..laaa..pttla baek.nice try.haha

.saman tah pape ak dpt.
~ade gak ak dgr ctr some guard ni gune black magic*ley caye ker..?*

~ni kwn ak ctr la..minah ni blik uitm dlm kol 3 4 pg cmtu..yela time tu mmg gate da ttp siap sedia la kne soal mcm2 ngn pakguard.menurut kwn ak ni,minah ni terus trg mangaku kat pakguard yg dier baru jer slesai beromen byk kali ngn bf..gila kan???kalau korg,nk mengaku ker?she's digging her own pk gak..xkn dak tu sngaja nk mengaku kn?huu.serammmm.

apepon pakguard ni ade positive n negative side gak.bkn sume pakguard jahat weh.ade gak yg baik.dorg la dok jage campus kite..bia sume aman.*wpun ade byk case laki masok blok ak* haha..

maafkan la budak2 creative yg jd produced lgu kiut cam dgr lagu eminem lak.yelaaa.msg2 nk luah pasaan x puas at.haha..well done guys.u guys really did a gud job :)

My mum said TAKE CARE..n i said,i love RAHMAN

Now that I've lost everything to you
You say you want to start something new ..***da 20 kot mak...*** ;p
And it's breaking my heart you're leaving *****4 bulan jer pon...*****
Baby girl I'm grieving

And if you wanna leave take good care
Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear..*****bank in duit so tat i can wear nice clothes..***
A lot of nice things turn bad out there
Oh baby, baby, it's a wild world
It's hard to get by just upon a smile

oh baby, it's a wild world
I'll always remember you like a child girl
You know I've seen a lot of
What the world can do
And it's breaking my heart in two
Coz I never want to see you sad girl
Don't be a bad girl

But if you wanna leave take good care
Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there
Just remember there's
A lot of bad and beware


If I got down on my knees and I pleaded with you,
if I crossed a million oceans just to be with you, *******naik kapal terbang kot****
Would you ever let me down?

If I climbed the highest mountain just to hold you tight,
if I said that I would love you every single night,
Would you ever let me down?

Well, I'm sorry if it sounds kinds sad,
it's just that I'm worried,
so worried that you'll let me down

...I love you, love you, love you, so don't let me

If I swam the longest river just to call your name, *****actually x reti brenang pon...***
if I said the way I feel for you would never change,
Would you ever fool around? *****cube la kalau brani,santau kang...****

Well, I'm sorry if it sounds kinds bad, ******x abes2 ngan fobiaaaaa****
it's just that I'm worried,
I'm so worried that you'll let me down.*****plz don't..******

Monday, December 21, 2009

hell yeah..i got style watttt! ;p

basically i love to wear sumthing tat can fit to my body..nicely..wearing it wif no mum always tought me to be careful wif my sense of fashion.*jgn sexy sgt*but lately she seems so "quiet"..juz watching wat clothes tat im goin to put on my body.for me fashion is a fateful decision,which is need us to consider the effect brought by the clothes tat we wear..n its a number one weapon of attraction. wat we wear is so important s it will portray our personality,our image..sumtimes kite kne lupe the terms "comfortable"..yea..tats happened nowadays.. well..xde sape nk time bile org ckp hey u dress like a minah rempit.. its mybe her style but people refused to accept it.its "euwwwww..."btw, the terms "fashionable" and "unfashionable" were employed to describe whether someone or something fits in with the current or even not so current, popular mode of expression..

.i love to wear a maxi dress.

dulu ske gak pakai mini dress where we can simply matched it wif legging or short..or even a skinny jeans


Going anywhere wif maxi dress is preferable to staying home wif a mickey mouse shorts n "hari aids sedunia" tee

Cantek kn?my mum even said i could kep the dress until i get married n pregnant."multy purposes dresses"..dushh..c'mon mum its sexy..seductive n simple!.."oh yeaaa",mu mum said.

HAIR?argh people know me wif a fringe.its not a taiwan's hairstyle nor japanese la machaaa..i love the emo's hairstyle..the difference is i didnt wear a thick eye liner..tas it.ishh.its bcoz my face is a chinese look it doesnt mean tat i need to follow the "cinapet.." style..xdelaaa.*BUKAN SAMA SEKALI* bile lalu dpn kedai cina org salu jer ckp,"hey tats ur shop..kedai cina bukit.." WTFFF.pfftttt

see?dr kecik lg dhda fringe.noe wat,my face look muj beter wif fringe.

emo style.bile rambut ak mcm ni,org bkn tgk emo but cina bukit.wth.

5 simple rules ;)

  • i tanak u layan org lain same cam u layan i
  • i tanak u layan org lain same cam u layan i
  • i tanak u layan org lain same cam u layan i
  • i tanak u layan org lain same cam u layan i
  • i tanak u layan org lain same cam u layan i

tah ape tah sume same.sng kot bg ak.mmg pun ak xlyn mamat laen sme cm ak lyn dier..ape daa laki ak ni setkn rules sng mcmni.ahahah.knp la dier x setkn yg ak xley on9 kalau dier pndai dier trapped ak ey..ak lak set rules ak..:

  • i tanak u on9 tnpa i
  • i tanak u kua b'2 ngn gal laen..*muke mrh time ni
  • i xske u sebot name f***
  • i tanak cigerattes more than 5 everyday
  • i tanak u komen ********

man:gud.ape u bg i ni u pown kene pon rules msg2 xley buat la an syg?

mint:yap tp i da langgar rule no 1

man:ok so jgnla langgar..sila lah op9 ye.u dgr lagu je kt lptop u tu k..huhu blogging

man:on9 gak tu.........

ahahah.ak tprangkp dlm rule sndri.bodo x?huh.dhla ak giler on9.mane xkn nk cancel rule no 1 tu..wakaka.nmpk sgtla ak sangap tenet kang.bodo.bodo.bodo.dier nk on9 skali ler..ko pehal mint.kan dh tkene sndri.ngok tol.otak tarak ni.adushhh

lagu arini :)

I'm Not Surprised

Not Everything Lasts

I've Broken My Heart So Many Times,

I Stop Keeping Track.

Talk Myself In I Talk Myself Out

I Get All Worked Up And Then I Let Myself Down.

I Tried So Very Hard Not To Loose

It I Came Up With A Million Excuses

I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility

And I Know Someday

That It'll All Turn Out

You'll Make Me Work

So We Can Work To Work

It Out And I Promise You Kid

That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get

I Just Haven't Met You Yet

I Might Have To Wait

I'll Never Give Up I Guess

It's Half Timing

And The Other Half's Luck

Wherever You Are Whenever

It's Right You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life

I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Oh Promise You Kid To Give So Much More

Than I Get I Said

Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....

I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Love Love Love .....

I Just Haven't Met You Yet


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Smells gud,feels gud =)

~im not sure what happened today s i "received" so many gift from my mum.yeah!big mama juz gave me bottles of perfume.*i was wondering why..* she was looking at me n smiled.*i cant fathom what she erupted when she saw the perfume in her bed..yummyyummy! its the eau de perfum!*garugaru pale.blurblurrr.*

~iklan..asal ak cam nk mkn hotdog wif mustard?kurr..

"another two weeks to go's story"~meet me halfway <3 oke.another 2 weeks to go means...ade 2 bnde..1 campus nk bkk n lg 1 ak jumpe Man.yeah!tu yg far,Man lg penting dpd campus skrg ni.sounds crazy but who cares?dier buat ak bsmgt nk blik ksian gak..kne la dier ngn pangai-monyet-ak en.."ye la..monyet duk jerit2 name i tu sharmeen sarkawi la..mmg la i nmpk dr jauh an syg.." &*^%$ glr dier ckp ak monyet..ak tau r pangai ak ade iras2 brok monyet babun ckit tp yg sdhnye dier mengiyakan jer???sayang i hate u!~awww.

ak siap jnji ngn dier nk blogging luah pasaan hepi tu ape yg tjd adalah..

mint:xpe2 i blogging luah pasaan

man:lor..da dari td bloging buat ape je ni syg?ke main fb je nie haa..

mint:hehehe x mule g laa..u bile nk on9 syg?*amek at

man:tunggu kakak i je ni..da pandai on9 sorg2 ye..*ayat ni sentap dow coz ak yg set the rules yg ktorg kalau nk on9 sila besama2 ea.skali ak breaking the rules.bkn ape..xthn nengok fb.ahaha.sori bayi!

jom nyanyi! lagu ni seswai ngn mood ak skunk ni..pergh.jiwanggg

I can't go any further then this
I want you so badly, it's my biggest wish

Cool, I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout you
Every single day yes, I'm really missin' missin' you
And all those things we use to use to use to do
Hey girl, what's up, it use to used to be just me and you
I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout you

SAYANG Can you meet me halfway,
right at the boarderline
That's where I'm gonna wait, for you
I'll be lookin out, night n'day
Took my heart to the limit, and this is where I'll stay
I can't go any further then this
I want you so bad it's my only wish

p/s: haa.tis is my son,freddie.take a gud care of him! kalau koto sket siap u

3hb! wait for me!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

healthy family comes from a healthy foods :)

Welcome to our own farmville!

Dok 3 org jer kt umah mmg best law abg ak ade kt cni..lately ak njoy dok uma.sume ak nk ak dpt.yeah!*even kdg2 tension dgr sore bpk ak bsing sgt* ;p tp klaka kot.bikin gelak sorg2.well tats life.bile dhda kt uma ni ak misi utama ak nk mkn g.haha.ape yg ak xdpt ak kl ak dpt kt umaaaa.yay!



im not sure wats this..ahaha.limau ny family.

my fav!mango!

ni limau tau?who cares.jnji sdp.aha




CIKU!so so so swit.i cant even taste my own saliva after ate it.huhu

bkn telo.ciku.kcg ak ingt bola,lg bez

limau.cantek kn?

ak x ingat la ari ape ak ngn mak ak lwt "farmville" ktorg kt blkg uma.sonok ny tgk buah2.byk glr kott.mcm2 ade,sng ctr..u name it,we've got it.hehe.ak se umah ak yg plg byk provides oxygen kt petra jaya ni.ahaha.even ak x ske bcucuk tanam,tp ak ske mkn!ahaha.

19 dec 2009

A great day for me.raining heavily out there.overslept.Man msg ak mamai.tdo tdo tdo.cian dier tgu ak.ahaha.LOVE U A LOT MORE EACH DAY*tetbe* ;p ak xmo la nk ingt bnde2 buruk happened arini coz its sucx.enough wif the depression mint.u r killing urself.u r not alone. lovely glr ayat ak.motivates diri sndri.hehehe.

jom la ctr sal mkn lg.kisah mkn2 ak ni xkn abes ny.ade jer chef Sarkawi nk buat tiap ari.dgn BP dier yg naek blik.well dady,u should learn on how to control ur eating habits. bak kate mak ak,"mknan yg chat mmg x sdp sbb kite kne krgkn garam, mknn yg x chat mmg sume org ske..ckop2 efek ny?ha p la wat test n c the results.mude2 colestrol da how?even ak sndri pon da takot.obses mknn ak hesitate.haha.

arini chef Sarkawi panggang ayam,ikan ngn hati.yummy sumpah sdp! ikan tu nmpk kering,ak takot nk mkn..coz takot tcekik,tp bile da mkn..mak aiiii lemakny..btmbh la lemak kt perot ak ha.ahahha.biaq arh.esok2 diet.senam sume.haha.

its my job-Chef Sarkawi

1 word to describe~DELICIOUS.