Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 10, 2011

.Miss both of you, mum n dad.
jgn lupa handbag :p
- semoga mendapat haji yg mabrur, Amin -

Motif letak gmbr ni.? Entah. jwpn common mestilah - sukahati i lah, this is my blog - Captured during tea time with Mr Acot yg busy not interested in eating. - tipu.

Indeed. being fake mmg bagus. Actually kita ttp stick dgn peribahasa : Aku aku, kau kau.noktah.Asaimen masih under control.mcuba mjd yg terbaik this final sem. Its tougher but im okay. As long as i still have my car then its okay.

.Bestboyfriend. Enough said.