Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2010

pehlizzzz..ak bkn plakon film murah la ngoks

owkeyh.ak se person yg akn bce post ni still lg setia stalk ak s usual.s i expected la.since da very first time i heard the story yg dier kje duk stalked ak almost everyday.ak cam x sgka gak bnde ni ley happen ngn ak.**ape lu ingt ni ctr melayu stok2 bajet murah ka apek..** stop it la.stop assuming urseelf that u knw me well.the fact that,U DUN EVEN KNW ME.jgn hnya dgn mbca blog ak yg tah pape ni ko trus anggap ko knl ak dr ujg rmbut smpai ke ujg kaki.bile ak story kn ngn Man mlm td,dier pun dgn kjm ny menyela pbuatan kau dow.ko x malu ke?ak dhda bf ok.ko ckp ko lg better dr laki ak sbb ko knl ak staun.WTFfff.x silap ak ko da tua an?da baya2 abg ak da..ptt da pndai pk da ok..bkn nk rosakkn rmh tgga ak yg bhgia & aman damai ni..mana p pala otak ko weh?

look.ak xnk maki2 ko sbb ak takot hbgn ak ngn adik ko tggangu.tunggu ak grad lu.ko buat ak se cam ktakutan phm was like theres sum1 s going to kill a very smooth n quiet way.ak respect kau sbb ko jlnkn kje2 bodoh lg x bmoral ko tu da lme,yela meaning ko yg xley blah ko gunakan adk bradik kau..xley la dow.ko xknl ak la bingaiiii.
psl teddy bear tu.hey skati ko la ko nk bg bratus2 bnde murah tu kt bks minah kau,wa x ksh la..ape yg ko buat is...NONE OF MY BIZNESS..ak lg blmbak bnde tu kt umah.siap ak nk gunting koyak2kn material bear tu nk buat blanket lg aw..*tampung seribu**
so pe lg ko nk.ak da ckp elok da yg plg elok la ni.kalau btl la ko knl ak,ko msti tau mulut ak yg ori punye an??kakak ko tu,better ko remind die mulut tu jge sket.wpun ak nmpk baek bile ckp ngn die,hey it doesnt mean ak ley sbr bile die ley predict bnde2 x baek sal Man.stop talking shit la kakkk.jgn jd bingai cm adik akk gak.bile da sme2 bingai,maka x jdikla sume bnde.jgn jd klaka sgt blh x?hah si stalker ku yg setia,btw thx la ek..atliz thibur ak ngn Man bile dgr sume ksh2 klaka ko ngn kakak ko.bngga gak weh bile dpt tau ak wanita idaman comedian cam kau.woWWWw! (: u better stop la k.x da gune pn.ape ko ngn kakak ko buat xde effect lnsg kt ak.ko xbuat apa2 yg positive slaen buat org bnci kau je..the choices is in ur hand.ko nk teruskn or stop.byk peluang utk kau..
p/s:: SORRY STALKER.I AM TAKEN BY RAHMAN.*ya s u already knw..n u refused to believe* :p but nothing else u can do bcuz the best man will always win the competition!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

damn u b*tch!

ak joined sshe deserves to die after turtoring a kitten! club kat fb..OMG ak maki minah china tu thp gaban punye..sampai tol at dier blasah kuceng tu smpai mati,menurut kwn ak,dier siap blasah smpai mata kuceng tu tkeluar..lg nk pijak kuceng sdikit description sal case tu:

:::This video was taken about 3 years ago, and the kitten killer has been identified. Her name is "Wang Jue", "Gainmas" on the internet. She bought the pair of heels on eBay and was hunted down by enraged animal lovers several years ago. She and the video producer (Li YueJun) had apologised, but THEY WERE NEVER PUNISHED accordingly because there was no specific law in China regarding animal cruelty and abuse. She justified her actions by saying that she was depressed due to a failed marriage. ::: ---->> bodoh manusia ni p abused kuceng yg lnsg xde kaitan ngn probs die...dasar xde at perot.ko pg mampus la pompuan!!!!!! yg pelikny kt negara kuturunan nenek moyang ak ni,xde law yg take action atas pbuatan mcmni..kalau cmtu ak malu nk ngaku datuk ak brasal dr neg China! wolffwolff!

:::When confronted by a reporter, she became defensive, saying: "Suddenly hundreds of people are on my QQ and cursing me. What's the problem if I crush cats? It's a type of experience. You wouldn't understand.":::---->> ko experience pale hotakkk ko bingaiiiii! ko ingt tu cicak ke ha???kalau cicak pon u shouldnt do tat!its alive! ure fucking fat pig!

fuck u::: those u took that vid n did it to the kitten.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


a promise i made for u:

  • anger management..*which is to bad n too risky for our relationship

  • too sensitive*sgtsgt kuat majuk..wtfffff

  • ske ckp lepas..*lidah xde insurans..sian dier..salu kne u should learn from the past..CONTROL!

  • not being too pushy..*bosan kang

  • FAIR...* love u soooooo much syg :)

  • listen to him..*i know its to early for a ley praktis skrg kn?..jd bini baek..hehe


facebook is a social networking yg ak rse sgt risky ouh utk ak..bkn sbb fb jer..bila Man ckp dier nk on9 automatically ak cam.."HAHHHH???ON9??.." TAKOTTTT~ huhu..ak da del few of my frens in first ske cam..alaaa dorg kwn ak..should i...?tp bile pk2 blik,bile Man soh buat ak kne ikut..dier x slesa or wateva..apepon kne utamakn prasaan bf sndri dulu..adela sorg ni cm terasa bile ak del dier dr fren list fb but wat should i ak hepy baru ak ley hapy gak.both hepy,it makes me feels sososososo gud :)

laki mmg yg betol2 syg kite cume 1..tanak pape juz LOVE.

skrg mmg sgtsgt bhgia ngn dier!hee.THX GOD :) it was like...i was gifted! :)))))

WITH YOU by chris brown.

I need you boo

I gotta see you boo

And the hearts all over the world tonight

Said the hearts all over the world tonight

Yes, you're a winner!!!

And I'm so glad to be yours

You're a class all your own talk to me

I swear..

the whole world stops

You're my sweetheart

And I'm so glad that you are mine

You are one of a kind and..

You mean to me

What I mean to you and..

Together baby,

There is nothing we won't do'cause if I got you,

I'm into you

And boy

No one else would do,

cause with every kiss and every hug

You make me fall in love

And now I know I can't be the only one

I bet there heart's all over the world tonight

With the love of they life who feel..

Wat I feel when I'm

Oh boy!

I don't want nobody else

Without you, there's no one left then,

You're like Jordans on Saturday,

I gotta have you and I cannot wait now,

Hey! Little TALLER

Say you care for me,

You know I care for you,You know...

that I'll be true,

You know that I won't lie,

You know that I would try,

To be your everything..yeah..

I don't need money,

I don't need cars,

BOY, you're my all.And..

And I..Will never try to deny

that you're my whole life

'cause if you ever let me go

I would die..

So I won't front

I don't need another MAN

I just need your all and nothing

'cause if I got that

Then I'll be straight

Baby, you're the best part of my day =))

Friday, January 22, 2010


hey, let me tell you know.
trying to decide, trying to decide if i,
really wanna go out tonight.
i never used to go out without ya,
not sure i remember how to.
gonna be late gonna be late but,
all my girls gon have to wait cause,
i don't know if i like my outfit.
i tried everything in my closet.
nothing feels right when im not with you,
sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos.
taking them off cause i feel a fool,
trying to dress up when im missing you.
im a step out of this lingerie, curl up in a ball with something Hanes.
in bed i lay, with nothing but your T-shirt on.
oh, with nothing but your T-shirt on.
hey, gotta be strong gotta be strong but i'm,
really hurting now that you're gone.
i thought maybe i'd do some shopping,
but i couldn't get past the door and,
now i don't know now i don't know if i'm,
ever really gonna let you go and i,
couldn't even leave my apartment.
im stripped down torn up about it.


im still alive!

oke...da bkurun lame ny ak x update blog ni...bkn ape..laptop msk virus ape tah...^&*%$ tol..mlayang lg 45 engget ak..cilak*k..da sbulan da kot x pon cm mls nk update tp sajer nk share latest story sal ak..wawa..

now ak dhda kt melaka la..*busan* jd org kpg jp.*man salu ckp ak org kpg sbb study kt LENDU..die xtau btapa aman damainy LENDU tu..* cehhh

byk sgt nk share kt korg tp ak terlampau excited smpai x tau nk story cane..bia ak pendek kn saje la ctr ak yg hot ni ey..mule2 skali ak nk announce kt korg yg group ak-SUMO PRODUCTION DAH MENANG ANUGERAH FFVPM 7! *FESTIVAL FILEM VIDEO PELAJAR MALAYSIA- BANGGE AN??NK TGK PIC EA??SATSAT.SATG AK UPLOAD BG KORG TGK PUAS2.HEHEH

ak ngn Man?fuh ktorg la couple plg bhgia abad ni..almost everyweek jumpe an..mmgla bhgia..huhu..smlm ronggeng sunway..*tu toilet rumah i (MAN) mcm biase la dgn life style dier yg blagak tu..* AK,LAKI AK,AJA..FARAH..binatang peliharaan ak yg 2 ekoq tuh confirm la p maen tempat laen..klaka gak bile dgr dorg bctr time maen skating..aja jatuh la hape..mcm tu la bile monyet baru jumpe bandar..kurrr~ pastu ktorg tunjuk bakat terpendam..MEMANAH! best glr nk mampos..*yekerrr?* cilanat tol minah tu bg ak busur utk dak kcik maen..ape ko ingat ak xde bakat ker?? ak pon xtau ak score ke x..yg ak tau,ak score kt papan farah..ngok tol..

ape lg activity chat ak smlm ea?ha! tgk ADNAN sbb dak MASSCOM yg buat. :) ak tau ade org benci bile bace ni..biarkn kpg blagak..ske ingat diri tu bagus.RIAK! :p

ni pic mase kat kangar perlis. weekend yg ak rse sgtsgt indah! mcm2 kenangan manis ade kt cni..ssh nk story la uols..3 hari 2 mlm tu se cm terlalu skjp bg ktorg.. :)

event da habes tp baru start bg ktorg :)

sumo production with lectures

with DAVID TEOH.he's cool!

with Dato' JIM SAMSUDIN.maaf dato',pangai ktorg x snonoh..haha

the nite belong to us! bravo bravo!